CAEP Accreditation
The University of Bridgeport’s Graduate School of Education (SOE) received National Recognition for the Initial Licensure Programs from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in the fall of 2018. The School of Education will undergo their next review cycle in the spring of 2025.
The School of Education will add to the next review cycle a review of the advanced programs. The CAEP Advanced Program Standards were not yet available in 2018 when our initial review was conducted; the Advanced Programs maintain Connecticut State Accreditation through 2025.
All initial and advanced programs within the University of Bridgeport’s School of Education are fully approved by the State of Connecticut’s Board of Education.
CAEP accountability measures
Based upon recent data collected using completer observation, surveys, and employer surveys from graduates in our initial licensure programs, as well as institutional and national data, the following annual reporting measures provide a snapshot of the UB School of Education’s impact and outcomes for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The School of Education at University of Bridgeport relies on multiples measures to demonstrate the effectiveness of our programs as reported by program completers and employers. Those measures include quantitative survey data and classroom observations as well qualitative data gleaned from interviews and artifact reviews. CAEP requirements and Title II federal requirements ask Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) to evaluate the impact of their programming on student success, and thus test data is also collected.
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Stakeholder involvement
The School of Education invites key stakeholders to provide feedback for the initial and advanced programs. Reconstituted in 2023 as the Education Advisory Board, this group is comprised of superintendents, principals, and supervisors from school districts where our candidates complete their clinical field placements and where our School of Education has formed partnerships. The Education Advisory Board also includes full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, program coordinators, students, and directors whose feedback provides relevant suggestions for continuous improvement.
In alignment with the University of Bridgeport’s Strategic Planning process, the Education Advisory Board provided relevant feedback about the School of Education’s newly crafted Strategic Plan 2022-2027, which focuses on a new Mission Statement, Vision, Values, Focus Areas, Goals, and Strategies. Included in this Strategic Plan are six focus areas that address students; pedagogy and assessment; accreditation and program assessment; partnerships and field placements; diversity, equity, inclusion, belongingness, and social justice; and scholarship and research.
The School of Education also participates in the state-wide quarterly Connecticut Deans’, Directors’, and Certification Officers’ meetings sponsored through the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) for valuable information related to CSDE initiatives. In addition, as a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education - Connecticut (AACTE-CT), the School of Education supports the collegiality of educators throughout Connecticut universities and legislative advocacy for teachers and administrators.
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The state of Connecticut requires all teaching candidates to successfully meet the testing requirements for PRAXIS II, Foundations of Reading (CT 190), and the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) for initial certification.
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Data about the number of completers hired in education positions for which they have prepared is noted on the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Education Preparation Provider (EPP) EDSIGHT Dashboard.
This information is being updated and will be provided shortly.

What is CAEP?
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) accredits University of Bridgeport's School of Education. CAEP promotes excellence in educator preparation through quality assurance and continuous improvement.
CAEP is the only recognized national accreditor for educator preparation.
Vision: Excellence in educator preparation accreditation.
Mission: CAEP advances excellent educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning.
- Accreditation is nongovernmental activity based on peer review that serves dual functions of assuring quality and promoting improvement.
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